5 Ways to Communicate Better in Meetings

Business meetings are an integral part of everyday working life. Meetings are used to develop ideas, exchange concerns, present information and make decisions. A big part of learning how to run effective meetings relies on communication. Communicating better in meetings isn’t just about exchanging words; it’s the key to unlocking productivity, fostering innovation, and driving business objectives forward. Continue reading to learn 5 ways to communicate better in meetings.

How do I Improve Communication in Meetings?

1. Plan your meeting

Establishing an effective framework and plan for a business meeting helps you to establish the right tone. Assuring that your meetings have a purpose. Employees may approach a meeting with a negative attitude if they feel it has no purpose. Communication in meetings thrives when everyone understands the objectives. Engage your team by outlining goals beforehand and reiterating them at the meeting’s onset. When participants understand the purpose they will feel more compelled to engage encouraging active participation and attentive listening throughout the session.

2. Ask Questions in your meeting

Enhancing effective communication in business meetings involves fostering a culture of active engagement, rather than simply listening to a long speech. However, some of those attending the meeting may be reluctant to interject or to volunteer points themselves, which is why questions are so important. Encourage dialogue by posing thought-provoking questions that propel discussions forward. Questions can be aimed at the group, with attendees being given a chance to volunteer an answer, or aimed at individuals, which can be a good way to keep people engaged. Inviting diverse perspectives not only enriches conversations but also ensures everyone feels valued and involved in the decision-making process.

3. Be aware of your body language

Body language is just as important as verbal communication. It provides clues to your attitude and state of mind, be conscious of the message that you are sending with your body language. An article from Forbes on body language in leadership points out, people make snap judgments based on their body language. Before your business meeting, you need to conscientiously assess your body language. Avoid closed postures like crossed arms and try to maintain inclusive eye contact, fostering an atmosphere of openness and attentiveness. Cultivating open and approachable body language conveys volumes about your attitude and receptiveness while setting the tone for an inclusive and collaborative meeting environment. Here are a few reminders to ask yourself before directing a meeting…
  • Are you slouching in your chair?
  • Are you using eye contact to include everyone?
  • Are your arms crossed defensively?

4. Choose the correct meeting room

When working on your communication in a meeting it is important to make sure that your conference room is a private, quiet, and confidential environment. Unlike a public setting, a meeting room is a space created specifically to keep things private and confidential. In our conference rooms, you can create a quiet distraction-free environment, which allows everyone in the room to focus. Not only that, but you’ll be able to hear one another too. You can get down to business with ease, without the disturbing background noise of public space. Our private luxurious meeting rooms have the facilities to suit you. Don’t hesitate to book today to maximise your meeting and conference experience.

5. Have a positive attitude

It is very easy to be negative or point out flaws in another person’s ideas in a meeting, but doing so may ultimately thwart the success of the meeting. Fostering positivity during meetings is instrumental in steering conversations towards solutions. Encourage constructive discussions by acknowledging the strengths in ideas rather than fixating on drawbacks. A positive atmosphere not only nurtures collaboration but also fuels innovation and progress. Mastering communication in meetings is an ongoing journey, where each interaction presents an opportunity for improvement. Elevate your team’s potential by honing your communication skills and cultivating an environment conducive to open and meaningful exchanges.

Final Thoughts

Communication is critical when it comes to running effective meetings, learning to communicate better can easily be the difference between an unproductive meeting and a productive meeting that delivers the original objective. What you say must have a purpose, and it is vital to stay on topic. However, communication does not only go one way, and it is also not only about what you say. Bring your participants into the discussion and pay attention to your body language. Choose a meeting or conference room with effective technology from one of our meeting packages and eradicate unnecessary distractions. Recording meetings and listening to them back is a great way to pick up on areas of strength and areas of weakness. As you improve your communication, the overall quality of your business meetings will improve too. To learn more about the importance of face to face meetings, you can read our handy blog post here.  If you and your employees require further training, then discover the national training service we have to offer here at Yarnfield Park.

Recap of the 5 ways to communicate better in meetings

  1. Strategic Planning
  2. Engaging Questions
  3. Mindful Body Language
  4. Optimal Meeting Spaces
  5. Positive Engagement
Are you looking to organise a successful meeting? We think you’d love this blog post! With high-quality facilities and knowledgeable staff, our meetings for hire are perfect for you. Get in contact today to discuss the many options we have available for your meeting room requirements.
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