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Training and Conference Centre signs the Armed Forces Corporate Covenant

At Yarnfield Park we have always supported the Armed Forces and we were recently approached to become involved in an initiative called the Corporate Covenant. The Armed Forces Corporate Covenant is a voluntary pledge made by organisations that wish to demonstrate sincere support for the Armed Forces community.

At Yarnfield Park we work with a lot of companies that have already pledged to the Covenant and we have a very strong relationship with associated government bodies.

“We already work with the Ministry of Defence, specifically the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) and the Guard Service (MGS). We will continue to demonstrate our commitment to the Armed Forces in a number of ways”. Wayne Lamb, Conference Sales Manager.

Yarnfield Park Training and Conference Centre will be offering a discount to members of the Armed Forces Community: by setting out and agreeing standardised reduced rates that can be implemented on both a conference and an individual basis. We have also committed to supporting employees who choose to be members of the Reserve forces, including by accommodating their training and deployment where possible.

We recognise the value that serving personnel, reservists, veterans and military families bring to our business. And we’d like to give something back.

Jane Hemmings, Commercial Sales Manager is proud of the whole team showing their support. “Our team is already heavily involved in raising not just awareness for the Armed Forces, but raising funds too. Mike Mountney, our Buildings Maintenance Manager has volunteered a lot of time to raise money for Help for Heroes – more on that story coming soon! ”

If you’d like to learn more about our pledge to the Armed Forces Corporate Covenant, or about our Training and Conference Centre, contact us.

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